What Is Cross Browser Compatibility? Why do we need it?

Cross-browser compatibility, what a concept!!!

What exactly is it?

If you’ve been thinking about the subject for a while and run an online business, you’re already late, so keep reading if you don’t want to lose any more time in ignorance. And believe me, you don’t.

What is Browser Compatibility?

Browser compatibility refers to how well your website or online application works on various hardware, operating systems, and devices. Each of these variables may have minor differences that affect how your website is displayed. Despite the fact that the website’s fundamental code is the same, each system has its own rendering methods.

For example, a customer viewing your website with Microsoft Edge on Windows may have a different experience from someone using Apple Safari on macOS. It can also happen between devices, such as an Android smartphone and an iPhone, or even between different types of systems running different versions of the same browser.

With multiple ways for people to access a website, it’s critical to undertake browser compatibility testing to verify it performs the same regardless of how they got there.

How to ensure cross-browser compatibility?

Cross-browser compatibility is a very important feature of website design. As a result, when designing a website, keep the following points in mind to ensure that the site is successful and visible across all web browsers.

  • Keeping the website simple

One can avoid excessive use of elements in the mark-up coding such as the usage of list elements (Ul, ol) for creating menus instead of P elements.

  • Validation of website code

Before uploading the site, use a validator to examine the HTML and CSS coding because any invalid code would be very difficult to fix.

Usage of CSS Rules

Because the default settings of these browsers can differ and cause problems, it’s usually a good idea to make the CSS reset rule similar across all browsers.

  • Development in one single browser

It’s best to test a website in one browser at a time, such as Firefox, while creating it. Firefox is extremely adaptable in every way. Once you’re happy with the results of one browser, you can try another, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, and so on.

  • Different browser quirks

It’s critical to test the website in a variety of browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and others, because all of the most recent browsers have their own quirks mode.

  • Sort out internet explorer issues

Even after creating an appealing site design, it is common to need to perform some JavaScript or CSS hacks. Conditional moments, which are significantly superior to hacks, can also be used.

  • Providing fallbacks

Some browsers allow you to use JavaScript and Flash. Offering fallbacks in the case of browsers that don’t support certain functionalities is always a good idea.

  • Performing manual coding

Manual/hand coding, rather than utilising software to code HTML and CSS, is particularly beneficial for making the site cross-browser compatible.

  • Testing browser compatibility by tools

There are a variety of free and commercial browser compatibility testing tools available on the market. The following are some of the most well-known tools

    • Microsoft expressions web superview
    • IE tester
    • BrowserShots
    • Adobe browser lab
    • cross-browser testing

A well-thought-out strategy is to design each webpage so that it may be viewed in as many browsers as possible. Cross-browser compatibility relies heavily on functionality. Although a cross-browser incompatible site may appear identical, it will never function in the same way.

Although a browser-compatible website may have a different appearance in different browsers, it will convey the same information and functions that execute the same operations.


By reading the points above, you will understand what cross-browser compatibility is and why it is necessary. If you want to create a cross-browser compatible website, you should hire a competent web development company. Look no further than Stellar Digital if you’re looking for a skilled web development agency. We have a large pool of experienced web developers who can assist you with your project. Learn more about our web development services at stellardigital.in.