6 Web Typography Rules Every Designer Should Know

Have you ever felt too stressed out to consider creating a website?

The web has approximately 16.8 million colors and 100,000 different font styles, so the choices are essentially endless.

Your imagination may fly as high as the “Burj Khalifa” for some people.

Others might feel so helpless that binge-watching an entire season of House of Cards might be preferable.

You are not alone if the thought of developing a website overwhelms you.

We will spend the next ten minutes working through a step-by-step tutorial on web typography together. You can use online typography best practices to promote clear communication if you follow it step by step. You’ll create a relaxing, comfortable reading environment.

Let’s start

Essential Web Typography rules which Designer should be aware of

  • Limit your fonts

Using too many fonts and styles is one of the common blunders designers make, especially novices. If you require more than one, try to keep your fonts to two or three typefaces. Use one font and size for the body, one for the header, and one for the subhead. If there is coherence in the pairing, don’t be afraid to use fonts from several typeface families. Working with two fonts that are extremely similar can lead to mistakes on your behalf. Some people might assume that you weren’t intelligent enough and accidentally chose the incorrect font.

  • Stick to the standard font at first

I don’t mean “standard” to be “simple” or “boring,” just suitable. You may make sure that everyone can read your text on any digital device by choosing a web-safe font.

Standard typefaces have a number of important advantages. First of all, whether it be a desktop or mobile device, all web-safe fonts will display. The system will default to a font that can seem worse if a font cannot be recognized.

Second readers are used to seeing common fonts on the internet. They can scan it more quickly because they won’t be deterred by the look of the writing. In the end, your typeface should assist the reader rather than detract from the content they are looking for.

Third, web-safe fonts typically do not have some annoying design defects that can be present in other fonts. For instance, a regular font doesn’t have any odd kerning that makes two letters appear to be glued together. Additionally, they lessen the likelihood that two distinct characters, such as “l” from “L” or “r” from “n,” may be difficult to recognize.

There is always a potential that some browsers won’t be able to recognize your desired typeface or font and will instead display something simple like Times New Roman. While there is nothing wrong with the good old days, body text is best served by sans serif typeface.

Consider adding a font stack, which is a list of fallback fonts in your CSS file that the browser will render if your primary font selection fails to do so, to address this issue. Put a few common fonts in your font stack to guarantee that readers will always see the most appropriate type of text.

  • Hierarchy

The majority of websites, especially text-heavy ones, divide the material into topic-specific parts. Headings are used to identify and categorize these parts. The hierarchy of the page is determined by the order of text from most prominent to least prominent.

Making pages accessible and digestible requires hierarchy. Readers should be able to go to the section that most applies to them by just looking at the headings. Separate font sizes, weights, styles, and possibly different fonts or typefaces all work to imply hierarchy in typography.

A typical blog post hierarchy, for instance, begins with the title text (also known as “Heading 1″ or H1”), followed by section headers that are more precise and have less visual importance (H2s, H3s, etc.) Finally, we come to the body text, which although being the smallest, includes the information readers are looking for.

  • Give text more space

Our eyes are guided by white space, which gives the design a sense of refinement and order. It reduces the amount of text in our layout and makes it easier to scan.

The space between pieces in a design composition is referred to as white space or negative space. The copy will be challenging to read if the white space is unbalanced. Negative space is therefore just as important as any other typographic component.

You need to strike a decent balance between the font size and line spacing to make the content easier to read.

  • Avoid all caps

When your message demands reading (like acronyms or logos), all caps text is OK; however, if your message requires reading but doesn’t require consumers to read it, don’t force them to. All caps text is text with all the characters capitalized. As Miles Tinker points out in Legibility of Print, all-capital print significantly slows down scanning and reading compared to lower case types.

  • Use proper color combinations

Use different or dissimilar colors for the backdrop and text. Users can scan and read content more quickly if it is more visible. The following contrast ratios are advised by the W3C for body text and image text:

A contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 between small text and backdrop is recommended.

Again, the backdrop of large text (at 14pt bold/18pt regular and up) should have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1.

Once you’ve decided on a color, it’s imperative to test it out with actual users on the majority of devices. Your users will experience the exact same difficulty if any of the tests reveal a problem with reading your material.


The above-mentioned are some of the vital web typography rules which developers should be aware of. Besides these rules, there are many others. Including every rule will make this article unending. That’s why we have mentioned which are the most essential ones. If you thinking of typography for your web design then our suggestion is to take the assistance of a professional web development company. If you are looking for such a company then you have arrived at the right place, we at Stellar Digital have a great pool of web developers and designers that can fulfill your requirements and produce quality results. Visit stellardigital.in in order to know more about our web development services.