How To Scale Your Business With Hyper-Automation In 2023?

One that has made considerable ripples over the last few years is comfortably positioned on Gartner’s top strategic technology trends for 2023.

Hyper-automation, which was first introduced in 2019, has turned into more than a trendy buzzword: by 2024, it’s expected to accomplish 69% of the work currently performed by managers.

What is hyper-automation, and how does it work? This high-powered automation plan injects new life into your existing projects while providing your company with even more advanced tools and technologies, such as:

  • Process mapping tools
  • No/low code platforms
  • Integration platforms
  • Robotic process automation
  • Intelligent document processing
  • Business process management platforms with Automation workflows
  • Machine learning and Artificial intelligence

Hyper automation drives companies to examine their operations in detail, leaving no stone unturned in the search for innovative ways to automate. The points listed above are only the tip of the iceberg. According to Research & Analysts, the business would grow to a whopping $46.4 billion by 2031, implying that this decade will usher in even more opportunities.

Prime Hyper-Automation Trends That will Scale your Business in 2023

Some companies have gone all-in on hyper-automation, while others are still experimenting on the fringes to see how it will influence their business. Over the next two years, the expert predicts that at least three of the 20 central processes that drive hyper-automation will be actively used by every firm.

Whichever side you take, now is the moment to start preparing your company for a future when this suite of powerful technologies is completely integrated. When planning your strategy, keep the following important trends in mind

  • Mainstreaming hyper-automation

Hyper-automation, like most new technologies, sprung onto the scene with a slew of early adopters, mostly large corporations willing to risk a lot of money. However, as technology advances, the price has dropped, bringing it closer to the grasp of more cost-conscious SMEs. Hyper-automation providers are reducing services down to more cheap tiny tools to meet the needs of small-to-medium businesses.

Hyper automation tools robotic process automation (RPA) can now be found in consumer operating systems and smartphones. Text can be extrapolated from an image in iOS 15. RPA has become so common in some industries that vendors are now using it as a free lure to entice customers to sign up for additional paid services.

  • Commoditization of robotic process automation

Vendors are shifting their efforts to bulking up their top-tier services as RPA becomes increasingly “entry-level.”

They’re vying for a comprehensive hyper-automation catalog that will provide consumers with a one-stop shop for analytics, process mining, machine learning models, and more.

BPM customers can look forward to a bright future because this consolidation of services will increase the quantity and quality of hyper-automation tools accessible to integrate into their workflows. These massive offerings will skew low code, making it easier than ever to integrate incredibly inventive hyper-automation services into your tech stack.

The commoditization of RPA benefits more than just small businesses. Big companies can take advantage of this trend to vary their hyper-automation portfolio, using high-end tools for large-scale procedures and low-cost solutions for more mundane tasks.

Low-code skills will continue to bleed into hyper-automation abilities.

“Business technologists” will lead the charge among non-IT personnel taking on hyper-automation projects, much as “citizen developers” are present at the front of technological initiatives.

This new generation has the “skills, interest, motivation, and job scope to conceptualize, design, create, test, and manufacture technology, as well as data and analytics solutions,” according to Gartner.

Business technologists now account for 41% of the workforce, a growing percentage that demonstrates how valuable hyper-automation abilities are in today’s organizations.

To thrive, this group of ambitious technology leaders will need the right tools and training. Low-code AI technologies will be improved by hyper-automation companies, giving casual business users greater access to machine learning models. More uniform training for teams of business technologists will be implemented by organizations. Low-code tools will go from being a useful competitive advantage to becoming the industry standard by 2024: users of these simple, code-free tools will manage roughly 65% of development activities.

  • Hyper automation will arrive in a new era of “digital twins”

In the manufacturing industry, 65% of decision-makers anticipate constructing digital twins of their operations using hyper-automation in the next years. The concept is similar to NASA’s Apollo program, in which exact duplicates of the lunar module were built on Earth. This twin stayed in the lab as a laser-focused engineering simulator while the other hurled to the moon.

In the digital realm, a digital twin mimics your operations. You may see how a little modification to one operation affects the others that follow it, test how increasing production wears down machinery, and simulate how varying speed limits for field representatives affect fuel prices. To effectively replicate real-world conditions, digital twins require a profusion of data, and hyper-automation is the perfect data glutton to fuel the trend.

  • Business leaders reshaping the teams

During the worst days of the pandemic, automation kept many businesses viable. Since personnel has returned to normal operations, many fuels have been disrupted by the increased presence of bots performing tasks that previously belonged to human employees. True, their reservations are not wholly unfounded; by 2025, automation is anticipated to take over one out of every three jobs.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence is predicted to create more employment than it eliminates. By the same year, Gartner predicts that AI will have created two million net new jobs. These new positions will emerge at both ends of the spectrum: in highly-skilled, vision-driven top management as well as at the entry-level.

Smart businesses are rethinking their roles and duties in order to better prepare their employees for the coming changes. Instead of seeing hyper-automation software as a danger, Gartner recommends that companies start training fusion teams. These hybrid teams combine technology with a human staffer’s business subject expertise.


As with any technology project, the success of a hyper-automation initiative depends on domain experts’ participation and collaboration to thoroughly describe the difficulties and requirements that the initiative will address. Not only must the technology meet those objectives, but it must also be flexible and extensible enough to meet future needs. It should make it easier for both IT and non-IT personnel to collaborate within the project team, giving your company an advantage when unpredictability is the norm.

At Stellar Digital we take pride in assisting our clients to adopt new technologies. Our technology and analysis team will help you understand your business problems and assist you to build a viable and scalable hyper-automation solution that is best suited for your enterprise. For more information visit and get in touch with us.