Are Website Pop-Ups Still Effective For Generating Leads?

Website pop-ups have evoked strongly mixed reactions from their consumers since their inception in 1997. Some people find them intrusive and disturbing, while others see them as useful tools for separating site content and advertisements.

This article will look at the present condition of pop-ups as well as some best practices to follow, but first, let’s get some background information.

What are Pop-Ups?

A website pop-up is a graphical user interface (GUI) window that appears on top of a user’s screen. Pop-ups are used as online advertisements to generate leads and give people who are about to leave your site a second chance.

The important question now is

Are Website Pop-Ups still a Relevant Lead Generation tool in 2022?

Every seasoned internet user recalls website pop-ups, which were formerly considered valuable lead generation tools by marketers. These were meant to be the most effective approach to separate ads from content, and they appeared while surfing specific websites.

What was once thought to be an excellent lead generation tool quickly fell out of favor. While some websites continue to employ this, particularly music or movie download websites or new websites. The majority of them would rather keep them away. So, are these lead generation tools still effective?

The answer is no and do you want to find out why?

  • Very intrusive

Pop-ups were formerly thought to be good for generating leads and improving the on-site experience, but they began to be developed and marketed in an unpleasant way, making them something users should avoid. Pop-up advertising becomes exceedingly inconvenient and intrusive for customers in many ways, rather than functioning as appropriate additions to the content or even being tolerated.

    • They interrupt whatever the visitor is doing and do not allow them to decide when to engage or act.
    • Many websites overuse pop-ups, either displaying multiple ones at once or constantly displaying the same one from page to page.
    • Pop-ups frequently deliver little to no value in exchange for the visitor’s time and effort.
    • Designers who alter the predictable structure of pop-ups, such as removing the “x” from the top-right corner, frustrate visitors.
    • Shaming pop-ups use two CTAs to persuade visitors to take action: one encourages them to make positive changes in their lives, while the other shame them for not taking action. Pop-ups have grown so predictable that many consumers have acquired banner blindness to them, making pop-ups nothing more than an extra click they must make.
    • Furthermore, pop-ups aren’t the only additional components vying for visitors’ attention. Sticky banners, cookie consent banners, live chat widgets These days, there is simply too much going on.
    • There are over 68 million search results for pop-up blockers, many of which teach consumers how to swiftly and successfully hide pop-up ads from their view.
    • Simply said, something isn’t right. Designers and marketers have converted a tool that was once effective for generating leads and providing value to the on-site experience into something that customers actively avoid.
  • Inviting ranking penalties

In 2017, Google added a new ranking penalty. Google effectively penalizes mobile websites that use pop-up advertising such as

  • Full-screen interstitials

Displayed immediately after someone visits a page. They are unable to browse any website until the pop-up is dismissed or closed.

  • Intrusive pop-ups

Take up the majority of the screen during inopportune moments, such as when visitors are entering or browsing your content.

  • Fax pop-ups

Fax pop-ups: Despite this, visitors are forced to think hard about what they require in order to ignore the ads.

Since Google uses consumer search trends to update its rules and algorithms, and since customers have a negative reaction to pop-ups being used inappropriately on websites, the search engine giant has concluded that these lead to a poor user experience. As a result, any website that displays these ads is penalized.

Another reason why website pop-ups aren’t thought to be effective at generating leads is that they aren’t viewed as such.

  • Rise of sticky banners

Various studies have shown that small sticky elements, inline ads, and thinner ads perform better for lead generation than website pop-ups because they do not interfere with the overall user experience.

As a result, a growing number of website owners and marketers are replacing website pop-ups with these ad formats.


To sum it up, stick banners have an advantage over website pop-ups in that they produce clean and distraction-free interfaces. It’s no surprise that Google would reward websites that don’t use large, intrusive pop-ups.

Well, whether it’s pop-ups or banners, knowing how to put them is crucial, which is why hiring a professional website development company or agency is recommended.

When it comes that you are at the right place we at Stellar Digital have an expert team of developers and designers that will provide you best in class solutions. Visit to explore more about our web design and development services.