What Is An EV Charging Station Finder App?

Have you ever been stranded on the road in an electric vehicle because the battery ran out of power? If you answered yes, you already know why you need an EV charging station finder app. Over the last few years, it has been seen that a significant portion of the global population is motivated to utilize electric vehicles. Various governments throughout the world encourage the adoption of EVs by granting tax breaks. All of this adds to an increase in the demand for electric vehicles, which in turn increases the demand for an app that can locate EV charging stations.

While EV charging stations are currently scarce and difficult to locate, businesses are investing in the creation of EV charging stations. It can be made easier for EV owners to identify nearby charging stations, make payments directly through the app, book a charging slot in advance, and so on, by building a mobile application for electric vehicle charging.

Because the concept is new and people are looking for such solutions, these apps are among the fastest-growing trends in the app market.

Let’s talk about what an EV charging app is, how it works, why you should invest in EV charging station finder app development, what features to include, and so on.

What is an Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station Finder App?

The EV charging station finder app can show you where charging stations are located in your area. The app will provide you with a variety of information, such as the kind of plugs that the stations accept.

For example, for level 1 and level 2 charging, Nissan Leaf and Chevy Bolt share the same plug, however, for level 3 charging, they need different plugs.

These apps allow you to view charging station ratings, real-time availability, photos, and descriptions. As they come across EV charging stations, the user can add them to their list. Users can also enable notifications, which will send an alarm when a charging station is close by.

Features of an EV charging station finder app

Registration/sign up

To use an app, a new user must first create an account by providing their email address, phone number, and password. You can register using your social media accounts, such as Facebook or Gmail if you prefer.

User profile creation

In a matter of seconds, the user can edit and modify their profiles. They can add their name, profile, photos, vehicle number, and model.

Nearby EV charging stations

The app accesses the user’s location whenever they type it in and displays nearby charging stations. It saves users time and effort in searching for this device.


To display the nearest charging stations, the app has to access the user’s “smartphones” in real-time locations. You may manually search for charging stations in a given area by entering the location and viewing the options available.


You can search using advanced filter options based on what you type in. When looking for an EV charging station, you can use various filters to select one that provides excellent service. It helps you save time

Station details

The EV charging station locator app displays important details about each station, including its service capabilities.

Charging slot booking

Users can arrange a time slot for charging their cars in advance using the EV charging station locator app.

Different payment options

The payment gateway can be integrated based on your country or location. Allow your users to choose from a variety of payment ways in your app. These approaches allow them to pay whenever it is convenient for them. You can, for example, integrate to accept payments by eWallets, UPI, PayPal, debit or credit card, and so forth.

Users Feedback

After charging your electric vehicle, you can rate the charging station based on your experience. It is a significant element for a brand because it helps to improve the charging station’s service quality and other aspects of the service provider.

Billing history

The user can view their billing history, the amount of electricity they used, and the cost they need to spend on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. The billing history function allows customers to keep track of their bookings, including the amount of energy consumed and how much they paid.

Push notification

The EV charging station app can deliver notifications or alerts to users to inform them of nearby charging stations and to remind them of future bookings, new arrival offers, and other important information.

AI-powered chatbot

The AI-powered chatbots can provide quick support and answer users’ questions whenever they need it. They can also pass on non-answerable questions to the team in charge of such matters.

EV journey planner

When users construct a long-distance trip plan, they must accredit their automobiles at various positions. You can include a trip planner feature to make everything more convenient for consumers. This feature gives them access to their tour’s starting and ending points.

In-app navigation

It works with GPS and uses a map API similar to Google Maps. The tool allows users to track EV charging points on a map in real-time. In addition, it provides direction to the charging points.

Reward points

Regular use of EV charging apps earns a user reward points in the form of promotional coupons, discount vouchers, and a free one-month subscription, among other things. These incentives help you build user loyalty and attract new users to your app.

Why Invest in an EV Charging Station App?

Investing in the development of an Ev charging station finder app pays off in a variety of ways. Because it is still a safe haven in the market with little competition.

From 2021 to 2030, the worldwide EV market is expected to grow at a rate of 26.8% per year. In 2021, there will be about 4,093K electric vehicles on the road. By 2030, it will have grown to 34,756k.

By 2030, it will have grown to 34,756k.

According to Meticulous Research, the global electric vehicle market will develop at a rate of 33.6 percent every year from 2020 and would exceed $2,495.4 billion USD by 2027.

More than 1.3 million publicly available EV chargers were available in 2020, with 30% of them being fast chargers. As electric vehicles become more popular and widespread, the number of EV charging stations will increase dramatically.

In 2020, India’s electric vehicle market was worth $5 billion. It is predicted to grow at a tremendous 44 percent CAGR from 2021 to 2026, with a market value of over 47 billion dollars in 2026.

These market figures show that the electric vehicle market is fast growing. The necessity for zero-emission transportation and the government’s measures to assist zero-emission vehicles through subsidies, tax refunds, and other means are the key reasons for this progress.

The number of EV charging stations will increase as the number of EVs increases. Despite the low level of competition, the app concept is not widely used. As a result, establishing an EV charging station location app is a great way to get a head start on running a profitable business in the future.

How much does it Cost to Develop an EV Station Finder App?

To determine the cost of developing an EV station finder app, we must first assess your needs and determine which features and functionalities you desire. The cost of the app is largely determined by the mobile app development company’s region/geolocation.

For example

The hourly rate in North America is $150, while the hourly rate in South America is $130. The average cost per hour for a corporation based in India is $35. The developers in this area are quite efficient and charge very cheap rates.


To sum up, successful EV charging station finder app development takes much research and planning. Furthermore, identifying your target market and thoroughly reviewing your goals will greatly boost your chances of creating a successful EV charging station finder app.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in building an EV charging station finder app.

Stellar Digital is a well-known mobile app development company with a talented and experienced team of developers who deliver long-term results. In addition, depending on your business goals and target audience, we can design an EV charging station finding app.