What Is Logo & How Is It Important For A Brand?

When you consider all of the aspects that go into starting a business, developing a logo may not strike to be a top priority.

“Perhaps I don’t even need a logo,” a small voice in the back of your mind forbids.

Don’t listen to that voice; as it’s completely incorrect. A logo design is an essential component of building a successful brand, right up there with high-quality products and positive references. It also reflects the identity of your brand.

So, to cut short this entire debate- let’s get to the crux of it by asking the real question

Why Exactly is a Logo Important?

A logo is vital because it is likely to be one of the first experiences customers have with your firm and it’s your chance to make a good first impression, demonstrate that you provide high-quality service and visually communicate your mission. It conveys a sense of ownership, quality and ideals. It’s etched on your goods, business cards, website, social media and most importantly- in your clients’ brains.

Check out these stats and some interesting facts that straight-up express the importance of logos

  • 50% of customers are more inclined to support a business with a recognizable logo
  • 42% of consumers believe that a company’s personality is successfully communicated through its logo
  • 90% of the world’s population recognizes the distinctive Coca-Cola logo
  • Colored logos help to boost brand awareness; blue, being the most popular among all
  • Sans Serif is the most often used font for logos

Various Types of Logos

Despite the fact that they are all a blend of text and graphics, each form of logo design provides your business with a distinct sense. And, since your logo is the first thing potential clients will see, you’ll want the impression to be lasting.

Do you want to select the ideal logotype for your company? Here are the sorts of logos that the most popular graphic design agencies keep in mind and you too should be aware of in that case:

  • Brand/pictorial marks

Brand markings, also known as pictorial marks, are logos composed of a visual symbol or image that (typically) depicts a real-world thing. We’re talking about a simple and clear logo design or symbol, like the shape of a tree or a coffee mug. This object might convey the tale of what your firm does – think of the play button on YouTube.

Examples: Twitter, Apple, The Rolling Stones

  • Abstracts

Abstract logos are your conceptual, think-about-the-big-picture logos. Like brand marks, an abstract logo consists of just a symbol – but one that is tailor-made for you. This type of image doesn’t necessarily mimic an object that exists in real life; rather, it’s a unique logo that’s designed to express something specific about your brand.

Examples: Pepsi, Nike, Microsoft

  • Combinations

The name says it all, but combination logos mix – combine – pictures and text into their design. Mix mark logos can feature any combination of pictures and words you like; you can combine a letterform with a mascot, a monogram with an abstract image, or whichever combination appeals to you the most.

Examples: Toblerone, Pizza Hut, Puma

  • Emblems

Even the name has an imposing, traditional feel to it. Emblems have stood the test of time, from family crests to powerful monarchs’ royal stamps. These logos are made out of a font set within a border, which is commonly a seal or crest. Consider universities and government agencies.

Examples: Harvard, Starbucks, BMW

  • Mascots

Mascots are perhaps the most family-friendly sort of logo design. They are representations of a character or person that serve as a visual representation of your company. Consider them as your brand’s spokesperson, essentially.

Examples: KFC, Kellogg’s, Pringles

Aside from the types, there are various visual elements of a logo design that are responsible to lure customers to know more about your brand. For instance- the type of image you may choose, the additional colors you mix and the kind of typography you wish to express yourself in; all of these factors contribute to the building of a logo.

So, What Factors Determine That Your Business Needs a Logo?

A well-designed logo establishes trust by validating your professionalism and encouraging people to stay. It informs prospective clients of who you are, what you do and how you may further help them. It conveys to those- who have no prior information or experience with your company- that you are excellent at your job and produce excellent results as well! People will surely mistrust your ability to supply your products and services if your logo appears amateurish.

Have you ever clicked the return button or chosen one organization over another merely because they appeared to be more legitimate? That’s the thing- people make snap decisions and poor design causes people to leave at once! This emphasizes the overall importance of corporate logo design services.

Create a distinctive logo design that will stand out to customers, ensuring they remember your business and foster favorable connections with you. Logos have a profound symbolic meaning that is linked to people’s memories and emotions. Therefore, make sure you’re giving your best to its design.

Stellar Digital’s Take on Logos

Stellar Digital’s team includes a professional set of designers who offer logo design services. They can literally create the impression you had etched in your mind. We have been doing this for years and currently have ties with a good number of companies for whom we’ve designed a logo for.

The Bottom Line

Having said that, our bottom line would be to not underestimate the power of a mere logo as it is something that can leave off a huge impact on customers and competitors. Trust us, you’ll end up becoming the big deal if you’ve worked on your logo.