Top 7 Local Databases For React Native App Development

According to a 2020 developer study, React Native is used by 42% of software developers.

React Native has been a popular choice among businesses and start-ups looking for a cost-effective and time-efficient way to enter the app market. It is the most widely used cross-platform mobile app framework by developers all over the world.

As a result, we’ve gathered a list of top local databases for react native app development in this article. They might be a good fit for your needs, such as scalability with your user base or support for offline work.

Let’s begin

Best Local Databases for React Native App Development

  • Realm

The Realm database for react-native was created to help developers create real-time and offline apps for wearables and mobile devices. When developing React Native mobile apps for iOS and Android, the database has shown to be equally useful. It isn’t built on top of ORM or SQLite, therefore it has its own database engine and doesn’t use key-value stores.

It’s one of the main reasons why react-native database connection options are so popular for managing large amounts of data and developing high-performance apps.

While there are other databases for basic projects, the Realm database combined with React native is ideally suited for large-scale apps.

Realm benefits

    • Its synchronization runs in the background in order to reduce user intervention.
    • It has a fantastic API set.
    • Each mobile platform employs a variety of encryption standards.
    • With Redux offline, Realm can be used even when you’re not connected to the internet.
  • Firebase

For the creation of react-native applications, Firebase enables a real-time NoSQL database. It was chosen primarily for its data synchronization and offline data change methods. The key reason why Firebase for start-ups is a success is that it is fully capable of managing the M and C of the MVC requirements for react-native-based applications.

Firebase benefits

    • It can deal with user roles and help you fix file controls.
    • Any app can easily be combined with Firebase.
    • It caches data on users’ devices so they may access it when they are offline.
    • Data synchronization across platforms is made easier with Firebase.
  • Pouch DB

It’s an open-source JavaScript database that saves data in JSON format and makes it easy for developers to use react native by allowing them to develop, read, update, query and delete queries using a single JavaScript API. MySQL, CouchDB, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB are compatible with the database.


    • It facilitates data synchronization with any server that is supported.
    • Pouch DB is based on CouchDB protocols and may be used both offline and online.
    • It aids in the replication of data like a pro.
    • It supports SSL, which means you can simply encrypt data with AES256.
  • SQLite

It was created to provide mobile applications with a react-native local storage database. The word Lite is prominent in the database name, indicating that it is a lightweight library with low setup requirements. It can also be embedded directly into the mobile application for instant database access.

Benefits of SQLite

    • It stores information in a cross-platform database file.
    • You may enable offline persistence in an app by utilising its storage.
  • Async storage

It’s a react native local storage database system that lets developers store data locally and have it persisted across app restarts. Because the database is incorporated into react native, it can be used without any additional setup.

Async storage benefits

    • It’s available anytime you need it.
    • It comes pre-installed with React Native.
  • Watermelon DB

It’s a high-performance reactive database for React Native apps that are built on SQLite and can scale from hundreds to thousands of records without losing speed. With an emphasis on real-world performance, the database has been highly optimized for creating complicated React Native applications.

Watermelon DB benefits

    • When updates are made to the database, the UI is automatically rendered again.
    • By synchronizing your engine, you can create an offline-first system.
    • Static typing with flow
    • Simple data plugging into components
  • Vasern

It’s one of the simplest, fastest, and open-source databases for reactive app development. The Vasern API is used for cloud storage and synchronizing between the app’s clients, in addition to local data and react-native storage. Vasern’s structure and design are influenced by a variety of open-source databases.

Vasern benefits

    • It works quickly.
    • Vasern offers end-to-end database synchronization that is developer-friendly.
    • It is an open-source database.
    • It is focused on the app’s performance and consistency.


The above-mentioned are some of the top local databases for react native app development. Well, there are also many other options but including each one of them will make this list unending. That’s why we have compiled the most preferable ones.

It is recommended to take the assistance of a professional app development company in order to know which is the best database tool for your project. Come to Stellar Digital as we have a team of experienced developers that will help you out with your project. For more information visit and explore more about mobile app development services.