What Is FaaS? Function As A Service Explained?

FaaS (function as a service) is a trending topic in the field of architecture. By 2026, the FaaS market is expected to reach $31.53 billion. The developer community has been paying close attention to FaaS, which is one of the fastest-growing cloud delivery models. It’s already affecting the way people buy technology, as well as how it’s delivered and used.

As a result, in this article, we will explore briefly What is FaaS? How does it work? What difference does it make in everyday life?

What is FaaS?

It is a form of cloud computing service that enables you to execute code in response to events without the complex infrastructure generally associated with developing and launching microservices applications.

Hosting a software application on the internet typically necessitates the deployment and management of a virtual or physical server, as well as the management of an operating system and web server hosting processes. Your cloud service provider manages the physical hardware, virtual operating system, and web server software automatically using FaaS. It enables you to concentrate entirely on specific functions in your application code.

How does FaaS work?

The monolithic architecture was commonly used in early applications. This suggests the application was designed for a single execution that needs to happen all at once. Microservices have become increasingly popular among developers. Microservices are a collection of modules that can be deployed independently. They are easier to test and maintain because they may be worked on separately.

A function is simply a microservice that can only respond to one event with one action. When a function is activated with FaaS, the provider will start a server. It will run the function before shutting down the server. When the server is shut down, the same computer resources can be assigned elsewhere because serverless services are only active when the function is being used.

Developers who use FaaS have access to a platform that allows them to implement the code for their applications. FaaS is known for its simplicity. To get the most out of FaaS, developers must make sure that each function only performs one activity.

The function’s scope should be constrained and efficient. Using too many libraries or requesting one function to call another will cause the program to slow down and cost more.

What are the advantages of Using FaaS?

  • Improved developer velocity

FaaS allows developers to focus on writing application logic rather than worrying about servers and deployments. It usually entails a considerably shorter development cycle.

  • Built-in scalability

Developers don’t have to worry about designing contingencies for high traffic or heavy use because FaaS programming is inherently scalable. All scaling issues will be handled by the serverless provider.

  • Cost efficiency

Serverless FaaS companies, unlike standard cloud providers, do not charge their customers for idle computing time. Clients only pay for the amount of computation time they utilize, eliminating the need to over-provision cloud resources.

What are the Disadvantages of FaaS?

  • Less system control

Having a third-party manage part of the infrastructure makes it more difficult to comprehend the entire system and complicates debugging.

  • More complexity needs for testing

It may be difficult to integrate FaaS code into a local testing environment, making thorough application testing more complex.

  • FaaS use cases

Some FaaS use cases are closely related to “on-demand” functionality. This “on-demand” functionality enables the underlying infrastructure to be turned off when not in use, resulting in no charges.

That means you can dramatically reduce your server costs! If you don’t believe me, check out these AWS Lambda cost calculators and this case study on saving over 300 percent on infrastructure costs by going serverless.

Data processing, such as batch processing or stream processing, is one example. ETL. IoT services for internet-connected devices are also available. There are both mobile and web apps.


If you’re not sure whether or not using FaaS will benefit my daily development workflow. Then, You should seek the help of a competent software development company or agency in this situation. When it comes to professional software development agencies, look no further than Stellar Digital. We have a team of highly competent developers who will deliver the most effective solutions to your problems. Simply go to stellardigital.in and send us an email at contact@stellardigital.in.