How Does Data Mining Help In Business Intelligence?

Data analytics is the future and the future is NOW! Every mouse click, keyboard button press, swipe, or tab is used to shape business decisions. Everything is about data these days. Data is information and information is power.  ” To quote Radi, data analyst at Centogene”

This is the kind of power that data individually carries in today’s time. But how is data different from data mining, you may wonder? And how does it supplement business intelligence at all?

Do not worry as you have reached the right place. Each and every aspect would be described properly so that you take away valuable information at the end. So, without any further ado, let’s get started!

First, let’s start with understanding what business intelligence is

Companies receive a massive flood of data from their client base. Every prior purchase, social media activity, and search engine query provides insight into what a buyer may purchase next. Businesses must be able to make sense of this massive volume of data in addition to storing it. This is where business intelligence comes into its own.

Business intelligence (BI) refers to a set of tools and processes that are used to turn data into usable information. Business intelligence (BI) entails enterprise-level data analysis that identifies areas for operational improvement and external expansion. Furthermore, business intelligence might include data visualization, which aids in strategic business choices.

Aside from internal data analysis, businesses may utilize BI on third-party databases to learn more about competitors or possible business partners. Finally, businesses utilize business information to make decisions that improve customer service and targeting while reducing costs.

Having understood that, let’s take a look at what data mining is

Data mining is a subfield of data science that sifts through massive databases in search of nuggets of knowledge. Data mining uncovers patterns in vast databases, which can give useful business knowledge.

Data mining techniques include classification, clustering, and association. Classification is the process of categorizing huge datasets. This is particularly useful in marketing since it allows businesses to run different advertising in multiple domains, guaranteeing that the correct ads target clients who will respond most favorably. Data mining is made up of five basic components

1. Load transaction data into the data warehouse after it has been extracted, transformed and loaded.

  1. Load transaction data into the data warehouse after it has been extracted, transformed and loaded.
  2.  Put the data in a multidimensional database system and manage it.
  3. Make data available to business analysts and IT specialists.
  4. Use application software to analyze the data.
  5. Present the data in an understandable fashion (graph, table, etc.)

How Does Data Mining and Business Intelligence go Hand-in-Hand?

While the definitions of business intelligence and data mining differ, the two processes complement each other well. Data mining may be thought of as a forerunner of business intelligence. When data is collected, it is frequently raw and unstructured, making it difficult to make conclusions. Data mining decodes these complicated datasets, producing a cleaner version from which the business intelligence team may glean insights.

Data mining may also explore smaller datasets. This enables firms to determine the core cause of a certain trend and then utilize business intelligence to recommend ways to capitalize on it. Data mining is used by analysts to obtain particular information in the format they want, and then they use business intelligence tools to identify and show why the information is significant.

In other words, corporations utilize data mining to get a knowledge of the “what” in order to answer the “how” and “why” questions for business intelligence. Businesses that invest in both BI and data mining technologies can swiftly execute, test, and comprehend complex studies. As a result, data mining and business intelligence produce more simplified procedures and higher financial yield.

Benefits of Data Mining in Business Intelligence

Data mining has the following uses in the realm of business intelligence (BI). Each of these applications has its own set of advantages. Please keep in mind that this is a high-level overview; more granular data mining applications exist in BI as well.

  • Analyze the business

Data from organizations comprises information about the company’s internal structure and lines of operation (Example: sales, logistics, manufacturing). Using data mining on operations data offers insights on processes that need to be improved. Understanding the data and implementing solutions to enhance procedures can raise the company’s efficiency (lowering expenses) and effectiveness (improving the quality of its products & services).

  • Customer research

Customer data reveals target prospects’ and customers’ tastes, ideas, requirements, desires, and intentions. Using data mining to analyze client data

    • In order to create forecasts on choices, actions, and product launches, gives insights into client buying trends and seasonal demands.
    • Assists the organization in prioritizing projects in response to client wants and desires
  • Market research

Constant gathering of the real-time market and industry data provides organizations with data that can be utilized in data mining/data science to generate predictions about the market, rivals and consumers, as well as enabling them to uncover new business prospects.

The Bottom Line

Business intelligence, big data and data mining are all distinct ideas that exist within the same domain. Business intelligence, which may be described simply as data-based analysis of business processes, might be regarded as the umbrella category under which these notions exist. Big data is collected and processed in order to get business insight. While these ideas are distinct; BI, big data, data mining and big data mining all work together to provide data-driven insights. They are instruments that may lead to a better knowledge of your firm and eventually, more efficient procedures that boost productivity and financial output.