How To Write An Engaging Video Script?

Are you stopping your video production because you don’t know where to begin?

The time for keeping your video creation in the cold bag is over. We know it’s difficult, but video content helps marketers increase revenue 49% faster than non-video content.

So let’s begin from the beginning.

Before you begin filming any content, it is essential to know how to prepare a script for a video because a video is only as good as its messaging. This is where we step in.

This article will lay out everything you need to advance your ability to write video scripts.

Are you ready to produce a video script that simplifies the process of producing videos?

Let’s dive in

How to write a Video Script?

  • Start with a brief

Don’t start writing right away (it’s a surefire way to stick in the rewrite and rewrite cycle), and don’t start with your outline either. You must be very clear about your objectives before starting any of those tasks because they will affect your story.

Start by providing answers to the following questions

    • Why do I want to convey this story?
    • What’s the angle of my story?
    • Who is going to watch this?
    • What conclusions are they to draw from this?
    • Why should they be interested in this story?
    • What benefit will this provide?

From there, you may create a list of the topics you intend to address in bullet points (also known as the data you must include in your video script). This list should be minimal and focused on necessities rather than wants. You can begin to develop your narrative plan after you have these.

  • Craft your story outline

Once the brief is complete, you should have a specific purpose for your project.

You can structure the video script more effectively by beginning with an outline, much like you would with a research project for school.

The most important part of your script will be the outline, where you will list all of the topics and subtopics you wish to cover.

Additionally, it will be easier for you to relate easily to each of the video’s themes.

There are a few best practices to keep in mind for increasing your audience engagement, albeit this can only be a broad outline.

    • Start with a hook to draw the audience in.
    • Use a re-engagement as a follow-up to keep their interest.
    • Set up the story and lead it in the direction of the video’s goal.
    • Re-engage the audience and establish a pattern to keep their interest.
    • Reach your story’s climax, its heights, and your objective.
    • Finish with a call to action and, if necessary, tie up any loose ends.

Depending on the needs of your video, you are free to pick and choose items from this list. But be careful to focus on the objectives you’ve established.

You can now proceed to the writing stage once you are entirely satisfied with your script.

  • Start writing your script section by section

The most intriguing part is about to begin: crafting your video script.

Create each section of your script first. Even if you want to keep it straightforward, it’s crucial to concentrate on your objective and the language you’ll use to get there.

When composing a video script, remember to

    • Maintain a natural, speaking-like tone as though you were conversing or speaking.
    • By including lines, different types of images, or any other graphic components, stay precise and detailed.
    • Additionally, write with your audience in mind and talk directly to them.
    • Writing your script in the section will allow you to cover all the topics you need to cover to make sure your message is clear.

You want to maintain your audience’s interest throughout, so you can fulfill the objectives of your video and your call to action. And here, being specific is crucial.

Your script’s call to action could be anything, such as signing up for your platform, donating to a good cause, or keeping watching your videos.

  • Include visual and audio elements

If you are doing any kind of narration with graphics that cut to multiple shots, it is crucial. However, even if your video consists of just one shot of a person speaking, include both the visual and audio elements in your script.

The script is a collection of instructions for the person filming the video, and you want the video team to be very clear on what should be happening with the audio and visual components.

The best method to format your script is with a square table with two columns. It’s simple to read and examine the visual and aural quality of the video.

  • Trim and revise

Your video script will be practically complete once you have completed all these steps.

Just the finishing touches remain now.

You should now read your video script aloud to determine which lines require editing or revision.

The next step is to determine whether your video is the desired length and whether any parts need to be trimmed. You may measure the size of your finished video by timing how long it takes you to read the screenplay aloud.

The next stage is to prepare to record your video by going over your video script a few times during practice.


Writing a solid video script is essential for creating an interesting video, but working with a seasoned digital marketing company is the best course of action if you want to get the desired results from your video marketing. If you’re looking for one, Stellar Digital is among the top digital marketing company in Delhi NCR, and Gurgaon. You can reach us by sending an email to