6 Ways To Upgrade The UGC Of Your Application

Due to the rapid expansion of smartphone apps on both Android and iOS platforms, users are finding it tough to select the best of the bunch. User-generated content (UGC) may help your app stand out in any category on the App Store, regardless of who your target audience is or what category it belongs to.

According to medium, 84% of consumers trust peer referrals more than any other kind of marketing, with 88% trusting online reviews and testimonials from other customers as much as they do their social circles. Regardless of your app’s main functionality or business strategy, there are clear benefits and marketing value to be achieved using UGC.

To get the most out of it, you’ll need to identify the best approach vector for your audience and encourage them to contribute their work. With that said, let’s dive into the details of what it takes to make your app’s user-generated content model to the next level in order to increase your user base and revenue.

What is User-Generated Content?

Original, brand-specific content developed by customers and distributed on social media or other channels is known as user-generated content (also known as UGC or consumer-generated content). UGC can take many forms, including photographs, videos, reviews, testimonials, and even podcasts.

Now let’s jump to

Ways to take your Axpp’s UGC to Another Level

  • Define your UGC guidelines

The first step in incorporating user-generated content into your app’s marketing strategy is to establish what user-generated content means to you.

    • Do you want your app’s users to send you screenshots of their daily lives?
    • Do you want testimonials and quotes that are written instead?

Define your user-generated content (UGC) guidelines, as well as the processes users must take to submit their content for evaluation.

It’s also a good idea to include professional writing services like Evernote or Trust My Paper in the guidelines to make it easier for users who aren’t as tech-savvy to participate. For a uniform UGC strategy, elements like file type, size, and text length should be determined.

Develop a specific guideline for your UGC expectations, and your marketing departments will find it much easier to use the content for future marketing campaigns.

  • Build a community section7

Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals of user-generated content, you may create a community section in your app, on your website, or on your social network accounts. These community sections serve multiple purposes, including encouraging more people to use your app and submit UGC.

A dedicated community will also allow your users to engage with one another, which is particularly important if your app is focused on messaging, gaming, or content sharing in general. Most significantly, it will enable you to converse with devoted fans and UGC creators in order to improve your user-generated content in the future.

  • Curate your UGC selection

It’s always crucial to maintain high standards for your brand and app when it comes to UGC highlights and real-world marketing applications.

Don’t accept imprecise, blurry images misspelled testimonials and inaccurate or outright incorrect information about your app in a review.

Users who didn’t follow your standards can use tools like Studicus or Grammarly to clean up their writing mistakes and editing choices. To attract relevant consumers to your brand, always curate your UGC selection and only use the best parts in your marketing campaign.

  • Execute emotional triggers through CTA

Calls to action should be used to engage your existing followers and attract new users to your app. CTAs are a type of classic marketing approach that seeks to compel whoever reads them to do a specific “action.” Simple CTAs like “click here” or “share your content with us” can be quite beneficial to your app.

Calls to action can be used in conjunction with UGC to convey a specific marketing message or to encourage users to submit more user-generated content. Because they contact the viewer directly and ask them to act, CTAs are heavily influenced by emotional triggers. To increase your engagement rate over time, use this strategy in a creative and app-centric way.

  • Integrate with Native ads

Native ads can act as complementary marketing anchors to user-generated content, which aims to humanize your app and make it more approachable to a casual audience. Your native ad content can be incorporated into user-generated content that will be published on your website or social media pages.

It will effectively promote your app and any service or product associated with the native ad you included in the UGC.

Keep in mind, though, that native ads are “native,” which means “non-intrusive.” Your target audience will have an immersive-breaking experience if you market an unrelated product through your app or UGC. To maintain a particular level of quality, only promote products and services that complement your app’s main functionality and audience preferences.

  • Copyright your UGC

Aside from that, you should make sure that once your user-generated content is submitted, it becomes your property. By including legalities in your community standards, terms and conditions, and final submission screen, you can ensure that no copyright infringement occurs.

You should make sure that your customers understand that after they provide you with their UGC, you can use it in future marketing campaigns and app advertisements. Before you publish UGC under your brand umbrella, think about it and make sure you’re safe from legal aspects. Once that’s done, managing user-generated content and how it’s used for lead creation will be a lot easier for both you and your app users.


Out-of-the-box thinking is essential for taking your UGC (User-generated content) to the next level. Allow your users to be as creative as they want while still following your community’s content rules and brand requirements.

For building a successful UGC strategy, we recommend enlisting the help of the best mobile app development company in Gurgaon and Delhi. Come to Stellar Digital, where we have a fantastic team of app developers who can assist you with your project. Visit stellardigital.in and explore more about our mobile app development services.